How to Sell Stocks

Sell Stocks

Learn how to make your money work for you.

Investing can be a constant struggle between being patient and trying to make more money quickly. Your individual life and goals will dictate your investment strategy. 

One of the most important things to learn is how to sell stocks. Learn how to sell stock below. 

How To Make A Stock Work For You

The process of buying and selling stocks can be confusing. It is very important to remember that stocks should be handled without emotion

In order to sell stocks for profit, it is essential to learn what works best for you. There are a variety of strategies from looking at earning potential of the stock to setting a parameter for the stock and selling when it seems optimal to you.

Some investors like to play the long game, and some love the art of a quick sale. Whatever your strategy is, you can use it to sell!

How To Sell Stocks 

Before you sell your stock it is important to learn the different types of sales that can be made. 

Download the Free Stock Loan Calculator

Your portfolio’s value can be unlocked even if you don’t sell a single share in the open market.

If you haven’t checked it out already, here is a free stock loan calculator to help you size out a loan for your shares.

Simply enter a symbol and the number of shares you own, and you’ll see a potential loan amount that we can fund quickly.

Download the free Stock Loan Calculator now

Not all stocks are sold the same! A stock can be sold through market order, limit order stop-loss or stop-limit orders. 

market order is an ask for immediate purchase. For selling stock this means that a stock will be sold at the best market price available at the time. This type of sale isn’t recommended unless the seller doesn’t mind selling the stock at any price. 

A limit order is a sell request for a specific price. If that price is too low the sale will not go through. This is useful if you are trying to sell something and lose as little as possible. 

Stop-loss and stop-limit sales are stock sales that, as the name says, stop. A stop-loss will sell a stock if the stock drops below a certain price. A stop-limit will sell if the stock drops below a certain price, but only if the seller is able to make a minimum sale on it. 

Where To Sell

If you feel ready to get started, it’s never been easier to buy and sell stocks. 

You don’t have to begin selling stocks alone, you can invest with a financial advisor. If you decide to invest this way, you and your advisor will sit down and decide the best strategy for your stocks.

Most financial advisors can establish a sell order within 24 hours meaning that you are always ready to make money! 

If you want to be in charge of your own stocks, consider using an app. Many of the apps do not charge commissions on trades making them very approachable for any experience level. 

There is a collection of different investment apps from well-known institutions to new companies. The choice is yours to make, with some apps offering promotions on stocks and other waiving fees. 

How Do You Know?

Download the Free Stock Loan Calculator

Your portfolio’s value can be unlocked even if you don’t sell a single share in the open market.

If you haven’t checked it out already, here is a free stock loan calculator to help you size out a loan for your shares.

Simply enter a symbol and the number of shares you own, and you’ll see a potential loan amount that we can fund quickly.

Download the free Stock Loan Calculator now

It can be unnervingly difficult to predict a change in the market. Even market experts say that trying to predict that market can be next to impossible.

It’s important to remember what works best for you and to not get caught up in the thrill of the sell. Knowing how to sell stocks can make you money if done right. 

If you’re not ready to sell, a stock loan may be a better alternative. We can help!


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