All investments carry some risk. Investors usually measure the chance of losing money against the potential profits. This risk-reward comparison usually follows the same pattern for all stocks, funds, currencies, derivatives, and other investment vehicles. The more risk an investment presents, the higher the possible reward. High-risk investments can offer substantial … [Read more...] about Understanding High-Risk Investments
Real Estate Investing for Beginners
Real estate is the favorite long-term investment option for Americans, according to Gallup. In a 2023 survey, 34% of Americans preferred investing in real estate, beating out gold, stocks, mutual funds, and savings accounts. Real estate is oftentimes viewed as a stable investment, whether you are buying a house to live in or looking for an investment property to rent … [Read more...] about Real Estate Investing for Beginners
Investing in Startups: Benefits, Tips, and Strategies
A startup is a new company that is founded by one or more entrepreneurs. It’s usually in its early stages of operation, which means the founders are growing their customer base and developing new products. Investing in a startup allows you to buy into a new business that could potentially become a major enterprise. You can either take a passive role in this investment or … [Read more...] about Investing in Startups: Benefits, Tips, and Strategies
Strategies and Tools for Investing During Times of Inflation
Inflation occurs when goods and services become more expensive over a set period. In other words, your money doesn’t buy as much as it used to. Some inflation is normal. The average for the last century is between 2-3% per year. However, sometimes inflation is much higher. For example, in 2022, it was 8.3%. High inflation impacts investment … [Read more...] about Strategies and Tools for Investing During Times of Inflation
Retirement Planning: Incorporating Non-Traditional Assets
Retirement investment portfolios often contain traditional assets like stocks and bonds. However, stocks and bonds put you at the mercy of financial markets. If markets fall, your portfolio could lose value. It’s possible to balance this risk, but you can diversify even further by adding non-traditional assets to your portfolio. Non-traditional assets, or alternative … [Read more...] about Retirement Planning: Incorporating Non-Traditional Assets